Tenant Vetting

Save time and costs with end-to-end tenant screening checks.

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Tenant Vetting
Tenant Screening
Tenant Vetting

How we save you money

Estate agents and landlords who switch to Complygate realise a 70% to 93% reduction in tenant vetting costs.

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What is included in a tenant screening report

  1. Identity Verification

  2. ID Verification

  3. 6-year address history

  4. Credit check

  5. CCJs, AML, IVA, Bankruptcy, and Insolvency

  6. Anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC)

  7. PEPs and Sanctions

  8. Adverse Media

  9. Employment Verification

  10. Landlord Reference

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  • What is a tenant screening?

    A tenant screening, also known as a tenancy check, is the process when landlords and letting agents check the financial affordability and personal suitability of a prospective tenant.

  • What checks should I make as a Tenant Screening process?

    Identity verification, Tenant Credit Checks, Employment checks and Previous landlord references. You can always ask for Bank statements to check whether they can afford to pay rent or not.

  • Under what circumstances should i decline a tenant or guarantor?

    If a tenant or guarantor returns adverse history that they have not declared when they have had the opportunity to do so, then their application should be declined. The outcome should be the same if a large negative score is returned or if the applicant cannot meet the affordability test.

  • What is Right to Rent?

    Landlords and estate agents should conduct Right to Rent checks in a fair and consistent way, regardless as to whether they believe the tenant to be British, settled or an individual with limited leave to remain in the UK. You must not discriminate against anyone while conducting Right To Rent checks because of where they are from.

  • Can I prove Right to Rent online?

    Yes, you can. However, you will need your date of birth and one of the other details like 1) biometric residence permit 2) biometric residence card or 3) passport or national identity card.

  • Should i let someone my property with bad credit?

    If the tenant does not have any CCJs, do not necessarily reject them if they fail a credit check. It may be simply because they do not have a long enough credit history, they may have recently lived abroad or earn slightly less than 2.5 times the annual rent.

  • Is employer reference important part of tenant vetting?

    Make sure you have a signed consent letter from the tenant before playing detective. Never take the word of the prospective tenant as being gospel, especially when it comes to their employment record. Call the employee’s current employer and make sure that what you have been told by the individual checks out. Always ask for payslips for cross reference.

  • How long does the identity check and credit check takes?

    Both checks are done in real-time and takes less than 30 seconds. Identity and Credit checks are important parts of the tenant screening process.

Our Compliance Centre offers much more


Identity Check

Identity verification is the most essential check among all Pre-employment screening checks.

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Adverse credit check

Adverse Credit Check or Financial Background Screening is a type of a pre-employment screening check.

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AML, PEPs & Sanctions Check

It is important for any business to Know Your Customer (KYC) in the fight to prevent money laundering.

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