Complying with the Strategic Framework: Mission, Vision, and Beliefs

Complying with the Strategic Framework: Mission, Vision, and Beliefs

Complying with the Strategic Framework: Mission, Vision, and Beliefs

What do we mean by the so-called strategic framework?

Businesses utilize strategy frameworks, also known as strategic frameworks, to lay out their plans for achieving future objectives. It seeks to show how a company or department intends to employ initiatives and other projects to uphold the stakeholders' overall vision.

Who are a strategic framework's primary stakeholders?

  • Teammates: Your immediate coworkers.

  • Organisation: Who you work for as a business.

  • Customers: People who buy or use your company's products or services.

Elements of a Strategic Framework

A strategic framework adds structure to long-term planning by focusing on four essential elements: vision, mission, time frame, and objectives.

What is our vision and mission as pre employment screening providers?

Authenticating information provided by a potential employee is an important part of the hiring process. It protects a company's reputation by avoiding the risk of hiring an unethical employee.

A new hire calls for a huge investment of time, money, and a lot of company resources. Despite different organisations having their own set of needs and reasons for conducting pre-employment screening checks, everyone has the same goal ultimately, which is to get the most accurate picture of the candidate and scan their reports to find any red flags in their professional past before the onboarding.

While the ideal candidate may not exist, a thorough background checks will most likely bring a company as close to one as possible. As a result, it can be a time-consuming process with numerous components and stages.

Here at Complygate, we want nothing but the best for you. With our Recruitment Software, you can hire the right people and maximise their productivity right away. Our recruiting and onboarding solutions can assist you with smart talent acquisition, among other things.

We help your organisation by:

  • Making certain that you hire people with solid credentials.

  • Learning more about the candidate's background.

  • Examining the authenticity of the candidate's information.

  • Recognizing red flags in a candidate's work history.

Types of Background Checks we offer and their objectives:

Complygate employs cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in our pr employment screening checks. Our mission is to help HR and compliance professionals combat fraud by providing a cutting-edge pre-employment screening (pre-employment check) platform. With our robust Employment Background checks, you can reduce fraud and ensure that your employees are who they say they are.

Here are some of the screening checks we offer:

• Criminal Record Check

What is it and how does it help?

A criminal record check is a background check that is necessary to learn about a candidate’s past criminal history if any. Employers can assess criminal records to determine whether a person has a history of engaging in behaviors that could be detrimental to their business. Extensive criminal record checks become necessary to ensure a completely secure environment that is free of criminal intent. With a criminal record checking, one can be confident that they are hiring people with a clean criminal history.

• Identity Check

What is it and how does it help?

Identity verification is a technique that allows you to confirm the candidates’ identity and the accuracy of the information they provide. The procedure is typically based on data verification of an individual's identity proof, such as a passport, domestic identity card, or driver's license. An identity check ensures that a real person is behind a process and that they are who they say they are. This forbids anyone from performing a process on behalf of another person without permission, creating false personas, or scamming the system.

• Employment Reference Check

What is it and how does it help?

As part of the hiring process, most employers check references. Contacting previous employers, schools, etc. in order to confirm employment and education history and know more about the candidate's background, experiences, and relevant skills, and confirming those is what reference checking constitutes. These checks help determine if the applicant possesses the necessary skills and experience for the job. They can assist in identifying behavioral patterns displayed by the candidate while working for the former jobs.

• DVLA Check

What is it and how does it help?

The DVLA check is the online equivalent of a photo card driver's license. The code is used to check driver's license information in the DVLA database and to share your license number and other relevant information with employers or car rental companies. This check enables employers to check the suitability of an employee who will be driving on your or their behalf of their organisation. A DVLA check is also required for third parties who have access to a company car as well as employees who drive his\her own or somebody else's vehicle for employment reasons.

• Adverse Credit Check

What is it and how does it help?

An Adverse Background Check is a type of pre employment screening that employers can use on current or potential employees. It will disclose any significant negative credit score the applicant has. Many employers conduct credit checks on potential hires before making employment offers, especially when looking to hire for positions requiring financial management. Credit report information can be used by employers to verify identity and to look for indicators of bad loans or past financial poor management.

As a well-efficient company ourselves, we take pride in being able to help others increase their efficiency by helping you and your company make better hires and safeguard your work environment, your employees, and your clients.

Complygate provides many more pre employment checks along with these few. Check them out here.

document verification

1 platform - 20 checks

Innovative DIY Platform For Employment Vetting

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1 Platform 8 checks

Enterprise Screeneing

Human-In-The-Loop screening platform coupled with AI

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Skilled Worker Mock Audit

SMCR Screening

For job roles that fall under SMR and SMCR.

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Use Complygate to increase confidence in decision making.

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