Background Screening- Questions you asked- We answered

Background Screening- Questions you asked- We answered

Background Screening- Questions you asked- We answered

What is pre employment screening?

Pre employment Screening is the process of using third parties such as Complygate, to screen potential candidates or new hires prior to their hiring. It is a method of vetting candidates to verify their educational and professional pasts, criminal records, financial history, and looking through many more important records that should be taken into consideration for employment verification. It is also a way of assessing the candidate’s skills and qualifications that allow you to make the right hiring decisions.

Is it the same as pre employment screening?

Essentially, pre employment screening is a type of accurate background checks. Accurate Background checks can either be done pre-employment or post-employment, i.e., for current employees. Post-employment screening is the process of re-screening existing employees to ensure a safe workplace. While background checks can be performed at any time of the employment, pre employment screening is limited to new hires and is conducted before or during the onboarding of a new employee.

Why is it important?

Accurate background checks help verify the information presented on the applicant’s resume and validate their previous employments or confirm their qualifications, thereby aiding you in making well-informed hiring decisions to ensure that your organization stays protected from any unsavory individuals. They help you in identifying who is the right fit and prevent you from hiring the wrong individuals. Thus, they are incredibly important to an employer in order to keep his/her organisation, employees as well as the clients safe and secure.

What is a pre employment screening report?

A pre employment screening report is a document containing all the data and results from the employment verification investigation. Depending on the type of background check conducted, it may show employment history, credit history, identity verification, education verification, driving records, or may reveal criminal convictions, if any.

Who is eligible for it?

Pre employment screening is crucial to any organization regardless of the job role. It is as important to screen employees that are joining the organization at a lower level, as it is for those at a higher level. All new hires should be vetted before employing them and companies may also conduct regular re-screening for existing employees.

Who conducts these checks?

Employers conduct background checks before hiring a new employee. Accurate background checks can either be done independently or through external sources ie, background check companies, to make sure that the applicant is a perfect candidate for them. This is also done to verify the information provided by the applicant.

It is always recommended to conduct background checks through third parties as doing it on your own would require a lot of time and expertise. Legal compliance, saving time and costs, obtaining accurate information, and avoiding other risks are some of the factors that work in favor of external sources such as Complygate.

What are the checks included in accurate background checks?

There are a variety of different accurate background checks provided by service providers. These vary from company to company. Some of the many services that Complygate offers are as follows:

It depends on the needs and requirements of your organization to select the kind of check that will benefit it the most. Don’t know which one to choose? Get in touch here.

How long does pre employment screening take?

On an average, an accurate background check takes around 7-10 days. Ideally, you could always speed up the process by choosing the right service providers who can produce results in a shorter timeframe with the help of the right technologies and software.

Why should you choose Complygate?

Complygate is an award- winning HR Software that provides AI-powered background checks designed and tailored to your unique conditions. The features within our software cover onboarding, leave and attendance management, expense tracking, to name a few. Our analytics tools and dashboards are easy to navigate, and we've created all our user interfaces with your convenience in mind. The end objective of Complygate is to help you cut through the complications and difficulties that you would encounter elsewhere and make your life a little easier.

document verification

1 platform - 20 checks

Innovative DIY Platform For Employment Vetting

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1 Platform 8 checks

Enterprise Screeneing

Human-In-The-Loop screening platform coupled with AI

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Skilled Worker Mock Audit

SMCR Screening

For job roles that fall under SMR and SMCR.

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Use Complygate to increase confidence in decision making.

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