Why does a lack of screening procedures for part-time jobs put companies at risk?

Why does a lack of screening procedures for part-time jobs put companies at risk?

Why does a lack of screening procedures for part-time jobs put companies at risk?

Part-time workers may benefit companies in several ways. For example, a company may have greater flexibility in its hiring process if it has part-time workers. It also can hire and fire employees more easily because they are not committed to long hours. But most of the time the HR professionals take screening seriously only when they hire a candidate for full-time positions and neglect the screening procedures for part-time employees. This negligence can cause some grave consequences for the organisation.

Here is why a lack of Employment Screening procedures for part-time jobs puts companies at risk:

Hiring Part-time Employees is Riskier Than Hiring Full-time Employees

Before hiring part-time employees, it is important to understand that you are taking on more risk than if you hire full-time workers.

If a full-time employee commits fraud, breaches business policy, or injures a consumer, the firm has the right to fire the employee. However, if a part-time employee commits any of these offences, your organisation is in precarious trouble. This is because, unlike a full-time employee, a part-time employee has no legal obligations or rights that can assist a corporation in monitoring these acts.

Part-time employees do not qualify for unemployment benefits if they lose their jobs, do not have the same legal protections against discrimination as full-time workers, and they will not be eligible for company benefits. Apart from this there may be several other risks of reputation, and staff attrition and your company may also face legal issues after hiring part-time employees without proper screening.

Lack of Screening Practices

While hiring full-time employees, it is important to screen every candidate to make sure they are certified and qualified for the job. This way, you know you are getting the best possible candidate for the job. Unfortunately, this is not always the case when hiring part-time employees.

For example, your organisation may want to hire a software engineer to work on a new project. Unfortunately, the engineer may not be certified, which would make him unqualified for the job.

To hire a part-time engineer, you may not need to follow the same rigorous screening practices as you would for a full-time engineer. This means that you may end up hiring an engineer who is not certified. This can cause problems in the future if the engineer damages equipment or causes other problems.

Lack of Background Checks

Hiring a full-time employee comes with certain risks, but you can reduce these risks by performing a background check on the person. A background check enables you to find out about the person’s past and any criminal history.

If the person has a criminal record, there is no way to know if the person will commit criminal activity while working for your company.

Unfortunately, companies are not required by law to do background checks on part-time employees. You have no clue if the individual you are employing has a criminal past until you conduct a background check.

Suggestions for Better Screening Procedures

Organisations should be aware of the risks that come with hiring a part-time worker. They should have a screening process in place to ensure that they are not taking on too much risk by hiring someone who may not be qualified for the job.

The lack of screening procedures for part-time jobs is putting companies at risk because they are not able to distinguish the good employees from the bad ones. To make the process easier organisations can screen their part-time employees with the help of an AI-based screening process. Here is what they must do:

1. Identity Check- Is the most significant verification a company would require before hiring a part-time employee.

2. Social Media Screening- Performing this will help you get the social reputation of the candidate which may help you in your hiring decisions.

3. Employment Reference- This may help you determine his work performance at his previous organisation.

4. Create a listof candidates who would be a good fit for your company’s needs.


As you examine the risks of failing to do background checks on part-time employees, you can better safeguard your company and your employees by conducting employment screening as a regular part of your recruiting process.

Therefore, you can ensure that you hire only genuinely competent candidates while also saving time and money.

Companies should have a screening process for part-time jobs to ensure that the candidate they hire is qualified for the job and can perform well. The lack of screening procedures puts companies at risk because it is hard to know how well a person will perform until they start working.

Complygate may assist you with your screening requirements and make your hiring smooth and risk free.

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