What are DBS checks and their importance?

What are DBS checks and their importance?

What are DBS checks and their importance?

DBS checks are a process recruiters have to go through to check the background of their candidates when it comes to sensitive job vacancies. DBS is the abbreviation used for the Disclosure and Barring Service. They check the criminal records of people for jobs that require extra safety assurance, such as those that involve working with children and vulnerable adults.

Why are DBS checks important?

DBS checks are important because it helps to protect vulnerable people that are involved with certain job roles. DBS checks prevent the risks of abuse or neglect happening to individuals in the hands of an employee. With these checks recruiters can also look for those that may have training within that field. Working in roles that involve vulnerable people is so tedious that at least 1 recruiter has to have safe recruitment training.

DBS checks also protect the safeguarding of people. Safeguarding is protecting the human rights, wellbeing, and health of those that are vulnerable. Safeguarding follows policies that are put in place by the government. DBS checks are important because it prevents organisations from hiring those that have breached the safeguarding of others in the past.

Types of DBS checks

There are three levels of checks that can be done on candidates. They are basic, standard, and enhanced DBS checks. Different roles will require different levels of checks that have to be carried out.

Basic DBS check - For peace of mind.

A Basic DBS check will look at the bare minimum required for the role applied. These checks will screen against any unspent charges of the individual. This check is not required to look at any spent convictions. This is due to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. This act allows those that have ‘spent’ their time for their convictions to have a fresh start in life again.

Standard DBS check - Essential for regulatory compliance.

This check will look into the candidate’s criminal history. There are 4 points they look at. These points are spent convictions, unspent convictions, cautions and reprimands. This check is most likely to be done for people working in industries that require working with other people in general. However, this check doesn’t check the children’s or adults barred list.

Enhanced DBS check - To safeguard the vulnerable.

This is the highest level of checks that is carried out. They look at the points that a standard DBS looks at and also includes checks against children’s and adults barred list. The barred list prohibits offenders of crimes against children and vulnerable adults form working with them in order to protect them.


DBS checks are important to protect the innocent and vulnerable from dangers regarding their safeguarding around an adult they should be able to trust. DBS checks also prevent a reoccurrence happening with an offender. Copmlygate offers this service for an affordable price. You can find out about more pre-employment screening background checks on our website .

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