Top 7 Digital Tools to take your HR Management to the Next Level

Top 7 Digital Tools to take your HR Management to the Next Level

Top 7 Digital Tools to take your HR Management to the Next Level

Human resources management has come a long way, from being an overlooked administrative role to an essential strategic activity. Companies have realized that people are the most valuable assets for an enterprise, and it is essential to attract and hire the right employees for the success of the business. But the role of HR does not end there. They must make sure that all processes are carried out smoothly, by getting rid of employee pain points.

This is where digital tools come into play. They optimise different technologies, specifically, cloud, mobile and social to make HR processes like recruiting, hiring and onboarding, more efficient and effective. Some of the benefits of digital tools are:

  • Increase in overall efficiency
  • Increase in productivity of employees
  • Helps in making the recruitment process smoother
  • Helps with onboarding
  • Reduction in human errors
  • Reduction in the use of paper
  • Improves workflow
  • Helps in complying with regulatory requirements

The Top 7 digital tools to take your HR management to the next level are:


The purpose of this tool is to connect companies, large or small, with HR or recruiting managers, who can help a company craft its own HR policies that are suitable for the business.

They provide a fully remote HR service and make HR processes easier to perform.


Trainual is a platform which documents organisational knowledge and shares it, making it easier for companies to leverage the existing knowledge for growth.


Complygate is a all-in-one cloud HR software that eases the entire recruitment process from the hiring of employees till their retirement. It helps companies in increasing productivity and transforms their workplace. Furthermore, it is the only HR software to offer ‘Skilled Worker Visa’ compliance.

Process street

The main purpose of Process Street is to convert processes into checklists and tasks which are actionable. It has a simple interface and helps in easing the recruitment process for a company.


Workbright helps companies in saving time and money by moving all the paperwork to mobile devices. It prevents documents from piling up and stores them in a way that they are easily accessible. Furthermore, it provides more security than a conventional filing system and protects the data from theft.

SageHR (formerly known as CakeHR)

The primary goal of this software is to ease the complex tasks in HR by automating important HR processes, onboarding employees and generating significant reports. It is a complete HR solution.


iSmartRecruit is an automated Applicant tracking Software (ATS) that speeds up and enhances the recruitment process by analysing CVs and allowing suitable candidates to advance.

This helps employees save time and focus on important tasks and reduces the risk of human error in the process.

Using digital tools can prove to be beneficial for all types of companies, small, medium or large. It can help them increase their efficiency by automating long and complex processes and use the saved time and energy towards performing more crucial tasks that must be done manually. It can also help companies improve their end-to-end workflow and communication while closely monitoring processes to achieve their objectives. It can also make processes like recruitment and onboarding, more dynamic.

Furthermore, the use of digital tools enables HR managers to be strategic and align companies with their long-term objectives.

document verification

1 platform - 20 checks

Innovative DIY Platform For Employment Vetting

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1 Platform 8 checks

Enterprise Screeneing

Human-In-The-Loop screening platform coupled with AI

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Skilled Worker Mock Audit

SMCR Screening

For job roles that fall under SMR and SMCR.

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Use Complygate to increase confidence in decision making.

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