The Growing Importance of Employee Vetting

The Growing Importance of Employee Vetting

The Growing Importance of Employee Vetting

Performing background checks on candidates before hiring them as employees is now an important part of the recruitment process, and for good reason. It helps separate qualified candidates who are suitable for given roles, from the ones who are unqualified and would only get in the way.

The background screening process does not end after a candidate has been hired. It progresses on to screening current employees, also known as Employee Vetting. Employee Vetting helps employers in the following ways:

Pointing out changes in employees’ behaviour

Hiring candidates with clean records does not mean that they will stay clean forever. They might indulge in activities like gambling, drugs, etc, and hinder their own ability to perform at work. There might be several reasons for the change in behaviour of employees like a tragic incident or wrong company, but it is impossible to find out about these changes without conducting regular employee vetting.

Some sectors like Security, healthcare, credit reporting, banking, and any other industry where personnel interact with a vulnerable population, need employers to screen their employees on a regular basis to guarantee that they are still qualified to work in the industry. These checks are important to guarantee that quality standards are met and that the industries run smoothly.

Identifying and preventing fraud

Unfit candidates may make it past the pre-employment screening stage, and you will only be able to catch them later with additional employee vetting. As a result, employers should perform periodic screenings of their present employees to identify those who used illicit techniques to get through the interview stage. Such checks will assist you in cleaning up your personnel and retaining just those who are qualified to work for your company.

Providing data security

In today's technologically advanced world, security can be a serious issue, and firms must take steps to prevent intelligence theft and data loss. Any company that deals with a lot of client data needs to screen candidates and run criminal background checks. This is true for all employees, not just new ones. Employee vetting is essential for any employees who are moving into a position of more responsibility or who will have access to sensitive information.

Employee Vetting is essential for employers who are concerned about the smooth functioning of their organisations. Since employees are the face of an organisation, hiring or retaining unfit employees might result in a loss for companies.

With Complygate’s Compliance Centre the employee vetting process can be automated and quicker. Visit us and allow us to find the right person for your job.

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1 platform - 20 checks

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1 Platform 8 checks

Enterprise Screeneing

Human-In-The-Loop screening platform coupled with AI

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Skilled Worker Mock Audit

SMCR Screening

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