

It’s 9:30 am on a wet Monday morning in London, and the year is 2030. Peter logs into his company’s online collaboration space, CollabOS. The presence map gives him an overview upon login. Most of the Asian teams are already online. CollabOS can recognize gestures as well as listen for voice commands. Peter recalls the days of Skype and their green presence dots, and this makes him chuckle. CollabOS is much more powerful and robust when compared to those rudimentary interfaces of the yesteryears.

His attention is drawn to a message that zooms in from the back of the virtual space on his VR/AR headset. It’s his boss, Stauart, who lives on the west coast of the United States. Last night they received an unusually high number of support requests. The automated support system had to route more than 30% of all questions to human operators, and the Asian team will have to help with the load.

Peter pulls up their data analysis tools and has it run a few tests on all the messages. It looks like most people are frustrated. Lots of different phrases, all describing the same problem, keep popping up. The automated language understanding system is confused, but that is obvious. It’s all about the new feature the company released last week. Peter has been training the company’s language tools for some time now. The words people are using to describe the problems they are facing vary too widely. The automated classifier hasn’t been able to figure it out on its own. But now, as they have more data, they can train it to better handle the way actual customers describe the issue.

A reminder pops up. It’s time for a break and catching up with the outside world. A button on his watch turns off all notifications except a very select list of close family and friends. He leaves the office and goes for a walk outside within his business district.

Later, Peter has a virtual meeting with the rest of the design team. CollabOS has been tracking the work Peter did on this problem as well as that of a couple of other people and can provide an accurate synopsis for everyone. They discuss how they can improve future releases to avoid similar issues and what needs to be done to train the system for the current problem. Work assignments and meeting records are automatically generated, and the work will be routed to the next available experts. CollabOS has an excellent understanding of the skills required and access to a worldwide pool of talent. This means lots of people can pick up where Peter and his team left off.

Peter packs off and leaves office to meet his friends in their favourite coffee shop where they’ll start planning a road trip for tomorrow. After all, they work only Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so impromptu trips are trifling matters.

The current era has long been an era of technology. The world is changing, culture is evolving constantly and work culture in organizations has been transforming at a rapid pace. Where earlier employees were hired strictly for single roles and expected to restrict their focus areas, presently organizations expect employees to evolve within and outside their roles and encourage them to have a broad relatable skillsets. Strict emphasis is given to skill evolution. Many of the undertones echo survival of the fittest. When compared with the pre-modern society, the modern and contemporary work culture and ethics are seemingly more altruistic in nature.  

Considering the rapidly evolving work place requirements it has become imperative for workforce to upskill them with the technology based tools and develop strategic thinking to keep upbeat with the market. HR software technology here plays a crucial role in keeping the track of workforce skill requirement and enabling the organization’s to take informed decisions. With Complygate we have developed HR Software, which is the perfect solution for the modern workplace. It can help you streamline your HR processes; reduce complexity in admin jobs through automation & user friendly workflows. Complygate helps you make a better decision about the human capital- hiring, diversity, performance & compensation, and more. Our analytics and data-driven workforce planning tools deliver real-time insights giving you a 360° view. Complygate uses the modern day cloud based technology which makes the workflow smart and reduces manual interventions. We are an end-to-end HR solution that enables HR leaders to send unified communications and access one source of data to monitor the health of change programs, and make immediate improvements where necessary. Our skills matrix feature helps companies employ migrants who are appropriately qualified, registered or experienced to do the job in the helps you employ migrants who are appropriately qualified, registered or experienced to do the job in the UK.


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