How can Organisations improve productivity

How can Organisations improve productivity

How can Organisations improve productivity

An organization’s HR department is at the core of the functioning and deliverability of that organization. The growth and success of the organization is directly proportional to the functional methodology of the HR. However, as globalization makes the world smaller and more accessible by the day, the roles and functions of organizational resources have changed remarkably from being team deliveries to individual performances. It is in this scenario that there is the impending need for the HR to step up from being organizational and group principals to individual keepers.

Listed below, one by one, are the fields wherein scientists are inadvertently making breakthroughs and creating vast inroads that may yet impact the way organizations manage their people for maximum performance:

Data Analytics:
Data and people analytics will increasingly drive the job of HR organizations to test theories and conjectures and formulate conclusive results. Thus, through the analysis of a vast treasure trove of data — HR shall have the tools and insights of a scientist to drive significantly better performance from their workforces and thus improve the organization’s business outcomes. The practice of leveraging machine learning techniques and sophisticated algorithms to automate work and create a consumer experience for employees is already under way in many of the top production firms across the globe.

Neuroscience, which is the study of the physiological functioning of the brain, has been applied to everything from improving the self (namely how people can be happier, more innovative, or less stressed) to economics (exploring economic decisions and the cognitive decisions that influence them) to marketing (where marketers study how our brains respond to advertisements to craft more effective messages). Unsurprisingly, an entire field is now emerging around applying neuroscience to human behaviour in the workplace. Leading proponents in the field of applying neuroscience to the workplace have experimented with and used neuroscience to reveal insights into facilitating change, decision making and problem solving, emotional regulation, and efficient workplace collaboration. Though much of the premise of creating insights into organizational behaviour based on brain research is still controversial, the field has the potential to yield a plethora of insightful information into human performance as it develops.

In the last decade, scientists have gained a far more accurate view of the human nature — especially regarding the functionality and qualitative and quantitative perception of the mind. It is a well-established fact that our minds are ruled by two different systems—the rational mind and the emotional mind—that compete for control. The rational mind wants to change the status quo; the emotional mind tries to maintain it. It is the successful ability to direct our own lives and pathways, to learn and create new things, that most strongly yield high performance and satisfaction.

Additionally, the field of psychology has many domains like positive psychology, mindfulness, creativity, emotional intelligence etc. that can be researched by organizations to improve performance.

Socio-anthropological aspects:
Sociology is the scientific study of human social behaviour, and anthropology is the study of humanity through prolonged systematic observation and cross-cultural comparison. These fields are also churning out some bright insights for organizations. In this age of social networking through websites like Facebook and LinkedIn, tools and insights from sociology can reveal astounding insights regarding connections between employees to reveal information bottlenecks, underutilized resources, or information gaps that can be minimized to enhanced performance. Social network analysis can also assist the management in creating a real-time, accurate picture of employee interactions.

Globalization, since long, has been forcing organizations to deal with a wide diversity of cultures, and organizations seek to deliver an optimal corporate culture for business success, so findings from social and cultural anthropology regarding cultures become insightful to improving organizational performance. Companies like Google, Microsoft and Cisco are already using specialists in cultural studies, psychology, design, sociology, IT, HR, and workplace resources—to design workspaces to enhance productivity through increased levels of employee satisfaction.

Physical Health and Well-being:
Executives often point out that energy, not time, is the true investment of high-performance. Researchers conducting behavioural experiments of elite performers have provided amazing insights into how to prepare executives to achieve at unprecedented performance levels. These researchers have strongly recommended strengthening executives through body, heart, mind, and spirit to become physically energized, emotionally connected, mentally focused, and task-aligned. The interconnectedness of mind and body is an established fact, myriad new insights are to be expected regarding workforce performance optimization through increasing energy levels and stress mitigation.

New techniques:
Billions of dollars are being spent annually on developing methods to enhance brain function—ranging from biological methods that increase memory to concentration-improving techniques. Scientists have also developed fringe techniques of neuro-exercises and wave techniques, which employ the use of binaural beats to improve overall concentration and relaxation.

HR software technology plays a crucial role in keeping the track of workforce skill requirement and enabling the organizations to take informed decisions. At Complygate we have developed an HR Software as the perfect solution for the modern workplace. It helps you to streamline your HR processes, reduce complexity in admin jobs through automation and user-friendly workflows. Complygate helps you make a better decision about the human capital hiring, diversity, performance and compensation, and more. Our analytics and data-driven workforce planning tools deliver real-time insights giving you a 360° view. Complygate uses the modern-day cloud-based technology which makes the workflow smart and reduces manual interventions. We are an end-to-end HR solution that enable HR leaders to send unified communications and access one source of data to monitor the health of change programs, and make immediate improvements wherever necessary. Our skill matrix feature helps companies employ migrants who are appropriately qualified, registered or experienced to do the job in the UK.

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