Why Global Screening is Important in The Upcoming Years

Why Global Screening is Important in The Upcoming Years

Why Global Screening is Important in The Upcoming Years

What is meant by Global Screening?

Global Screening is a process of performing rigorous pre employment screening checks on new hires from all around the world. No matter where your chosen candidate resides or where they claim to have proven work experiences from, a thorough global screening check can help in determining whether these claims are accurate or not, as well as provide many other types of background checks such as criminal record checksemployment verification, etc.

Why do we need Global Background Checks?

In today’s times, global background checks are getting increasingly popular. COVID-19 has fast-tracked the transition to a remote or hybrid workforce. The absence of geographic barriers has now opened a gateway to endless opportunities and created a path for aspiring employees from across the globe to enter an organization miles away. As with any change in the structure of an organization, there comes a field of risks associated with the hiring of new employees.

Due to the conversion to the ‘new normal’, getting verification from screening professionals such as Complygate, about who you are hiring is a non-negotiable for businesses in order to avoid reputational, financial, or cultural risks to their workforce.

The Challenge of International Recruitment

Employers in all parts of the world are at risk when hiring a new candidate. Some of the challenges faced by international recruiters are as follows:

  • Laws differ from country to country

    It is important to know that the rules and regulations regarding employment screening vary from place to place (such as data privacy). Different countries, states, regions, and localities have different laws regarding employment verification and not adhering to these could lead to serious offenses. Thus, this is a task best left to professionals as failure to meet them will result in non-compliance and bring a huge liability on your business.

  • The risk of falsified information

    This is one of the biggest challenges faced by recruiters during employment vetting, whether done locally or internationally. Every employer is at risk of CV fraud i.e., the act of the potential employee providing falsified information about their professional history. Hiring someone from across the globe only makes matters worse. It is crucial that you thoroughly vet your applicants prior to employment as this could pose a huge threat to you and your company.

  • Finding the right pre employment screening service

    It is a task to find the right employment vetting program because there are lots of things to take into consideration (discussed below). It is important to look for the right service provider with the right expertise and experiences so as to not incur additional costs and risks that your business is already posed to.

How to select the right Screening Service

It is as important to look out for the right screening provider, as it is for employment verification. There are a couple of factors that you need to take into consideration such as:

  • Legal compliance

    HR professionals might not be able to carry out employment checks due to the ever-changing rules regarding employment vetting. This poses as a major threat to employers looking to hire internationally as they have to keep the local laws in that country/region in mind and conduct the back ground check lawfully, which is why it is necessary to go to a screening provider rather than having it done manually. It is also necessary for the screening providers to be certified with the right accreditation to carry out these screening checks.

  • Candidate experience

    Providing excellent candidate experience is another important factor when choosing your background check service provider. The provider must ensure that the candidate experiences a smooth onboarding and is given a full rundown of what to expect when undergoing an employment check with full disclosure.

  • The types of back ground checks offered

    It is equally important to select the right back ground check as it is to select the right background screening company. Employers must ensure that they are given a list of checks offered by the company and have freedom to select whichever one helps in mitigating the risks that their company is most concerned with.

How Complygate can assist you

Complygate is an award-winning background check service for businesses from a diverse range of industries. Our AI-powered global background checks are fast, secure, and scalable, providing you with all the information you need about the candidate from anywhere in the world.

We know that every organization has different screening requirements and with the increasing need for remote or hybrid work, employers face more difficulty in hiring the right talents. We provide the right screening check that is best suited for your business and your industry with a variety of checks and packages to choose from based on your needs, such as DBS checksidentity checksright to work checksglobal sanctions checks, and many more. Click here to find out.

document verification

1 platform - 20 checks

Innovative DIY Platform For Employment Vetting

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1 Platform 8 checks

Enterprise Screeneing

Human-In-The-Loop screening platform coupled with AI

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Skilled Worker Mock Audit

SMCR Screening

For job roles that fall under SMR and SMCR.

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