Understanding BS7858 Standard — Complygate Compliance Centre

Understanding BS7858 Standard — Complygate Compliance Centre

Understanding BS7858 Standard — Complygate Compliance Centre

BS7858 security screening - Questions and Answers

Why do we need to screen individuals working in secure environments?

  • To mitigate risk in terms of their human resources
  • To give a high level of confidence
  • Contractual requirements
  • Protection of the public
  • Protection of assets

How is BS7858 security screening different?

  • BS7858 vetting of individuals working in a secure environment takes a ‘Top Down Approach’ - responsibility for this process remains with top management. Top management can delegate accountability for certain roles and tasks. However, they remain responsible for BS7858 vetting.
  • BS7858 security screening process is driven by risk and it is incumbent on the organization to apply risk management good practice when deciding how this methodology is implemented into their organization's processes so that it consistently delivers the desired outcomes.

What dictates 5- or 10-year screening in BS7858?

British Standard requirements for individual services dictate the screening requirements in BS7858:

  • BS 7499 for Security Guarding - requires 5-year screening
  • BS PD 6662 Alarm Installation - requires 5-year screening
  • BS 7872 Cash and Valuables in Transit - requires 10-year screening
  • BS 5979 Alarm Receiving Centre - requires 5-year screening
  • BS 7984 Keyholding and Response - requires 5-year screening

There can also be contractual requirements from your clients that would require an extension to the normal screening period. It is important you are aware of the role the individual is being screened for so that the correct screening period can be applied.

What are the processes before offering conditional employment in BS7858 Vetting?

What are the processes before offering conditional employment in BS7858 Screening?

What are Preliminary checks in BS7858 vetting?

After the interview and before starting the limited screening, the following steps must be completed:

  • Create a screening file
  • Application form/CVs/Questionnaire
  • Confirm Identity and address
  • Validate SIA licence (if applicable)
  • Public information search
  • Global watchlist check

Copies of checks undertaken should be retained in the screening file.

What is Limited screening in BS7858 security screening?

According to British standards 'along with information required and preliminary checks, the minimum amount of screening necessary to be completed satisfactorily before an offer of conditional employment can be made.'

  • Continuous record of career and history.
  • Verbal confirmation or documentary evidence - This is your choice.
  • Minimum period of 3 years immediately prior to date of application or back to the age of 16 if more recent.
  • Identity of the individual or organisation supplying information should be ascertained independently.
  • When contacting by phone or email the details supplied by the individual being screened should not be relied upon.
  • Ask if they can provide documentary evidence to support the last 3 years - it may be beneficial to ask them to bring this information to the interview and provide examples of what could be used to cover limited security screening e.g. NI records, bank statements, employment offer letters, JSA statements, VISA stamps in passports, travel paperwork - this could speed up the limited security screening process.
  • The name of the screening administrator and the controller who reviewed the file to confirm limited screening has been completed should be contained within the screening file.

When to use the Form 5 – Acceptance of Risk Form?

  • CCJs of £10,000 or above
  • Director of another organisation
  • Bankruptcy

The above information identifies from the public information search can be classed as risk. If any of the above are identified from the search the individual should be invited to make representation about the concern.

If, for example, the organisation is satisfied that the individual's financial history does not constitute a risk then they can choose to accept the findings and complete an Acceptance of Risk Form.

Acceptance of Risk forms must be completed by Top Management or an authorised person within the organisation.

The form can be found as Form 5 within the standard.

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1 platform - 20 checks

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1 Platform 8 checks

Enterprise Screeneing

Human-In-The-Loop screening platform coupled with AI

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Skilled Worker Mock Audit

SMCR Screening

For job roles that fall under SMR and SMCR.

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