Save Time and Money with Online ID and Identity Verification

Save Time and Money with Online ID and Identity Verification

Save Time and Money with Online ID and Identity Verification

What is Online ID and Identity Verification?

Identity verification is a process which compares a person’s data on the database with the data provided by them. In simpler terms, it is a check to ensure that the person is not faking their identity by claiming to be someone they are not.

Proving one’s identity has become an essential part of any procedure since the increase in the number of cases related to identity theft. Not only does it help companies avert exposure to fraudulent activities, but it also gives a competitive edge to companies.

Furthermore, identity verification is the most important checks among all the other checks for pre-employment screening. It is also the first check the candidates face when they undergo the screening process.

How Online ID and Identity Verification solutions help companies save time and money:

By digitalising the process to reduce cost and workload.

Digitalising the process of online ID and identity verification can help companies decrease the costs that it would have incurred if the process was performed manually.

With the digitalisation of the verification process, companies can now use different methods to verify users based on the level of risk.

It not only helps customers save time but also helps companies reduce the workload on their staff, since everything from registration to authorisation can be done by customers at the comfort of their homes.

Ensuring compliance with Regulatory laws.

Since the whole identity verification process is digitalised, it is easier for companies to comply with the regulatory laws related to online ID and identity verification and avoid any unwanted liability.

By reducing hiring costs.

Hiring candidates is not free for a company and comes with various expenses. Companies risk increasing these expenses by hiring candidates without verification as they will have to repeat the whole process if any candidate cannot be verified.

Identity verification solutions simplify the process and increase conversion rates.

It enhances customer experience by eliminating the need for them to be physically present for verification and simplifying the whole process to a level that it can be performed by customers within minutes, regardless of their location and time. This leads to an increase in conversion rates and helps in building good brand value.

By preventing data breaches.

By avoiding online ID and identity verification companies set themselves up for potential frauds and data breaches.

This leads them to spend more for the recovery of the system and their reputation, thus, increasing their expenditure.

By reducing the cost of onboarding.

Opting to digitalise the identity verification process can help in reducing or eliminating any unnecessary delays that might have resulted in extra costs.

Furthermore, it helps ease the process under recent circumstances, where face to face onboarding is not possible.


Companies should be engaging with online ID and identity verification of their applicants as it can save them significant amount of time and money by simplifying the whole process for customers as well as employees, complying with regulations, reducing the workload of employees, reducing extra expenses by preventing data breaches and frauds, etc.

Digitalisation has made the execution of the verification process easier than ever. Even if an employer or a company is not confident in carrying out online ID and verification tasks by itself, it can choose to outsource it to a third-party company like, Complygate. We are known for our expertise in identity verification. Doing this can help companies in hiring quality candidates without any extra cost whilst saving crucial time and money.

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