HR Compliance Startup in Birmingham wants to help prevent companies from being penalised

HR Compliance Startup in Birmingham wants to help prevent companies from being penalised

HR Compliance Startup in Birmingham wants to help prevent companies from being penalised

 UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) has a wide range of powers, which if imposed, can have an extremely disruptive effect on organisations and migrants alike. Having a sponsor licence downgraded or revoked can be costly, and organisations may have few options for challenging final decisions. Therefore, the importance of investing in compliance should not be underestimated, as prevention is far easier than cure.

Managing businesses is very expensive- from hiring people, training them, having an HR team to follow rules, regulations and compliance and monitor if things are running smoothly.

Rajiv Ranjan has worked with both big and small level enterprises, and has noticed that smaller organisations often do not have money to spend on HR, it is always seen as an additional cost of hiring someone just to follow the compliance. Having a start-up with limited funds, the legal side of things is often neglected with the thought that nothing can go wrong in such a small organisation, until things go wrong and expenses rise exponentially. We have always been taught ‘Precaution is better than cure’, which applies to businesses as well. A lot of sleepless nights, a lot of money and actually your whole life goes into starting a business you are passionate about, so investing a little money in things which will help you comply with rules and regulations, will go a long way in protecting you and your business if something goes wrong.

Considering this Rajiv came up with the idea of Complygate – a one platform of solutions, from managing employee details, to recruitment and onboarding process, time and attendance tracking, expense tracking, leave management, analytics, communication tools, alerts and employee self-service portal. The system has been designed in collaboration with the immigration and employment law experts, and has underwent very rigorous testing to ensure it covers all aspects of HR, Tier 2 compliance and employment law.

Complygate is designed so that it can be embedded into your daily work life. Unlike most HRs who update the records at the end of the year, Complygate can be used everyday for employee management by the employees themselves and the records are entered and updated in real-time. In case you have missed something, the system’s AI (Artificail Intelligence) will tell you what to do next and what has been missing. It also gives you a deadline of when to upload the required information, and the same notifications are sent to line manager as well. It is a smart system which can help safeguard and protect you, your employees and your business from all compliance related issues.

Complygate’s revenue model-

Complygate offers recurring subscription models depending on the size of your company. The initial contract is for 2 years and can be cancelled after a month’s notice after the contract period ends. The subscription can be billed monthly or yearly, and the rates are as below –

For up to 10 employees - £250 pm

For up to 25 employees - £400 pm

For up to 50 employees - £600 pm

Complygate is initially offering a 50% discount on subscriptions for the first 6 months, with rates going normal after 6 months. And since Rajiv knows how tight-budgeted the start-ups are, he is offering 1 year free subscription to start-ups.

Does Complygate have any funding?

Rajiv has met with a few investors who really love the idea of a one-stop place for all HR and compliance centre needs. So far, the company has raised £350,000 from investors.

When is Complygate launching?

Complygate V2.0 beta was launched on 26 November 2018, so that businesses can see the features and what it has to offer. V3.0 will be launched at the end of the year, around Christmas time.

Note: This briefing is designed to be informative, not advisory and represents our understanding of English law and practice as at the date indicated. We would always recommend that you should seek specific guidance on any particular legal issue.

document verification

1 platform - 20 checks

Innovative DIY Platform For Employment Vetting

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1 Platform 8 checks

Enterprise Screeneing

Human-In-The-Loop screening platform coupled with AI

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Skilled Worker Mock Audit

SMCR Screening

For job roles that fall under SMR and SMCR.

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Use Complygate to increase confidence in decision making.

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