Your Complete Handbook on DVLA Licence Checks

Your Complete Handbook on DVLA Licence Checks

Your Complete Handbook on DVLA Licence Checks

From ensuring the safety of your employees to protecting your business from potential legal issues, there are many reasons why performing DVLA Licence Checks is important.

Don't worry if you don't know where to begin; we've got you covered. Here's your complete handbook on DVLA Licence Checks:

What Is a DVLA Check?

A DVLA Driving Licence Check is a process that allows employers to verify the driving licences of their employees. This is done by accessing the DVLA's driver database, which contains information on all driving licences issued in the UK.

Why Is a DVLA Licence Check Important?

As an employer, it is your responsibility to ensure that your employees have a valid driving licence. This is important for several reasons.

  • Safety of Employees: DVLA Checks ensure that employees who drive as part of their work have a valid driving licence. This ensures their safety while on the road.
  • Legal Compliance: Employers have a legal obligation to ensure their employees have a valid driving licence. If an employee is involved in an accident while driving on company business, and they are found to be driving without a valid licence, the employer could be liable for any damages.
  • Protection of Company Reputation: A company that fails to conduct DVLA Checks risks reputational damage, especially if an employee is involved in an accident while driving on company business without a valid licence.
  • Insurance Coverage: Insurance companies often require that drivers have a valid licence. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in an insurance claim being denied.

Who Can Request a DVLA Driving Licence Check?

DVLA Licence Checks can only be requested by authorised bodies, such as employers and car hire companies. The DVLA does not allow individuals to perform DVLA Driving Licence Checks on themselves or others.

How Do I Perform a DVLA Licence Check?

To perform a DVLA Licence Check, you will need to provide certain information about your employee, such as their name, date of birth, and driving licence number. This information is used to access the DVLA's driver database and retrieve information about the employee's driving licence.

There are two ways to perform a DVLA Licence Check:

  1. Online DVLA Check: This is the easiest and quickest way to perform a DVLA Licence Check. You can use the DVLA's online service to perform a check, or use athird-party such as Complygate, provided you have the employee's permission to do so.
  2. Paper DVLA Check: If you are unable to perform an online check, you can request a paper form from the DVLA. This form can then be completed and sent to the DVLA for processing.

At Complygate, we understand the importance of DVLA Licence Checks for employers and have made the process even easier. Our platform automates the entire process of performing DVLA Checks and provides quick and accurate results, so you can ensure the safety of your employees with ease.

What Information Will I Receive from a DVLA Licence Check?

When you perform a DVLA Driving Licence Check, you will receive information about the employee's driving licence, such as:

  • The type of licence they hold
  • The date the licence was issued
  • The expiry date of the licence
  • Any endorsements or penalty points on the licence
  • Any disqualifications or revocations of the licence

In conclusion, performing DVLA Checks is an essential step towards ensuring the safety of your employees and protecting your business from potential legal issues.

Complygate offers an efficient and streamlined solution for DVLA Checks that can save you time and hassle. With our user-friendly platform, you can perform DVLA Driving Licence Checks quickly and easily, giving you the peace of mind that your employees are driving legally and safely.

Nothing is more important than maintaining the safety of your staff. So, take the necessary steps to ensure they're driving with valid licences. We make it easy to perform DVLA Checks – click here to try it out today and hit the road with confidence!


1. Can I perform DVLA checks on potential hires?

A: No, you cannot perform a DVLA licence check on a potential hire until they have accepted a job offer. Once they have accepted, you can request their permission to perform a DVLA check.

2. Can I perform DVLA licence checks on non-UK driving licences?

A: No, you cannot perform a DVLA licence check on non-UK driving licences. You will need to obtain a copy of the driver's record from the country in which their licence was issued.

3. How long does it take to get results from a DVLA check?

A: Results from an online DVLA driving licence check are usually available instantly. However, if you request a paper check, it may take up to two weeks to receive the results.

4. What happens if an employee fails a DVLA driving licence check?

A: If an employee fails a DVLA driving licence check, you should investigate the reasons for the failure. Depending on the circumstances, you may need to take disciplinary action or even terminate their employment.

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