Building a High Performing Team in Times of Uncertainty

Building a High Performing Team in Times of Uncertainty

Building a High Performing Team in Times of Uncertainty

We all have seen the working style and environment is changing every now and then which is uncertain. This change can be positive but sometimes it is challenging. So, when we face unexpected problems, companies need to be ready to face them.

Being ready for adversities demands team leaders to believe in their team members. Global challenges like covid-19 have created unimaginative change in the working culture which used to be before covid-19.

By recruiting talented or skilled freshers and skilled employees we can prepare a high-performing team. When the change is quick and uncertain, leaders should take out the best from their persisting team members according to their potential and qualities.

During this pandemic, we noticed the downfall in recruitment and HR activities in many organizations, but this does not mean that it's difficult to build a high-performing team rather it motivates us to look forward to finding the best in our current working team.

Points Through Which We Can Build High Performing Team

Looking for potential within the team.

It’s a saying that anything new starts from home, so it's always safe and advisable to look for the qualities and potential of the persisting team within the company. During these chaotic months, leaders considered looking closer, and noticed skills and potential on existing employees that hadn’t considered before.

Looking for potential within the team also helps leaders to save time, as individuals are already having an interrelationship within the team which makes their performance easier and more efficient.

Inspiring team.

It’s a common expectation of every individual to be acknowledged and inspired so, it becomes the prime responsibility of team leadership to inspire them through their communication.

Leaders should be aware of their role in creating an environment of positive energy, enthusiasm, and motivation amongst the team. With this, teams start believing in their work and perform with innovation and creativity, which results in achieving their goals more efficiently.

By giving genuine feedback to the team.

To build a high-performing team, it's important to give genuine feedback about their performance. This keeps the team motivated and encourages them to give their best. This practice guides the team to work in the direction of the goal. It also helps to create an understanding environment between the manager and the team. It not only encourages the team to perform their best, but also improves the work environment and leads towards a better work culture.

Providing occasional incentives.

This is a very important aspect, which keeps the team motivated and their performance high. Acknowledging their performance to the team, and rewarding them for their good work is key for the professional growth of the team, therefore, the growth of the company. Rewarding a team for their work excels the quality work of any team.

Believe and trust in leadership.

Trust within an organization always leads to its growth. It's not only important to build trust within the team, but also to trust their team leaders or managers. High-performing teams within an organization can handle all the issues and resolve them internally. The leaders have a big responsibility to coordinate all that, and it’s not always easy. If they all feel trusted, it makes their job more rewarding, they feel more connected to what they are doing, therefore it increases motivation.


From last year we have seen drastic change in the working style and place. During the pandemic employees started working remotely, and in that scenario team performance became a central topic.

The experience of the past year teaches us that having high-performing teams is vital for companies to be prepared to face these types of situations. A high performing team is always ready to succeed, even in times of pressure, and result in achieving their goals. They are in a better position to perform and overcome the challenges of uncertainty. It results in reducing the frequent hiring, better results, and work towards success.

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