SIA BS7858 Vetting - Security & Vetting Solutions | BS 7858

SIA BS7858 Vetting - Security & Vetting Solutions | BS 7858

SIA BS7858 Vetting - Security & Vetting Solutions | BS 7858

SIA Screening: SIA BS7858 Screening

It is prudent and smart for Security Industry Authority (SIA) approved contractors to invest in ways to protect their customer assets and comply with SIA licence requirements by hiring honest employees. Security Industry Authority (SIA) assessment of private security companies to be an approved contractor involves checks against 78 different areas of their business, which cover topics as diverse as staff training, financial management, company’s health and safety policies and much more.

The effect of not complying with SIA requirements can be quite damaging. The implications can be often serious and may include breach of contract, legal action against the organisation, insurance cover, reputational damage and may also lead to regulatory enforcement. The SIA approved contractor may wish to consider sending the screening controller and the screening administrator involved in BS 7858: 2019 (BS7858 screening) on appropriate external specialist courses organized for such purpose.

Why BS7858 2019 secure screening?

BS 7858:2019 (BS7858) provides clear objective to obtain pertinent background information to enable organizations to make an informed decision, based on risk, on employing an individual in a secure environment. BS7858 gives recommendations for the screening of individuals working in a secure environment where the security or safety of people, goods and services, data, or property (including both physical and intellectual property) is a requirement of the hiring organization’s operations or where such screening is in the best of public interest.

What is Credit Check important in BS7858 Screening?

Most screening investigations like BS7858 : 2019 include checks into an individual's credit report from Credit Reference Agencies (CRAs). An organisation would want to hire an individual who is of a good financial standing and financially responsible. Alarms bells go off if an individual has be declared bankrupt, is in Individual voluntary arrangement (IVA), has been listed on the Tax defaulters list or has County Court Judgements (CCJs), or foreclosures against him. Adverse credit checks are important because individual's who live beyond their means also are incentivized to steal or commit fraud. Excess financial burden coupled with opportunity may lead an individual to an unethical act.

Why is reference from current and formers employers important in BS7858?

Organizations should establish by direct reference to current and previous employers, government departments and others with confirmation from them in writing, the details of employment, periods of self-employment and unemployment of the individual being screened for the whole of the screening period (5 oy 10 years) with no unverified periods more than 31 days.

For screening purposes, the organization should seek verification of the following, with confirmation obtained in writing and copies retained. Periods and type of employment (full-time, part-time, casual, or occasional)- these should be obtained from previous employers, a current employer should not be contacted without the prior written permission from an individual.

How can a screening administrator verify employment details if one or more of the previous employers no longer exist?

Where it is not possible to obtain confirmation from a former employer, the screening administrator should seek documentary evidence to verify the period of employment(s). Potential evidence may include - NI records or two or more different items from:

  • payslips (start and finish of a period of employment)
  • P60 for each year
  • P45 (to show date of leaving)
  • redundancy letter (confirming end of a period of employment)
  • contract of employment (to show start of employment)
  • bank statements (to show regular payment of wages/salary)
  • proof of long service
  • company identification
  • any correspondence from the employer to the employee over the period

How can screening administrator verify periods of registered employment in BS7858?

Periods of Registered employment should be obtained from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), or other government agencies. If a government department states that records are unavailable, the period for which the record is not available should be treated as an unverified period.

How can screening administrator verify periods of self-employment IN BS7858?

Acceptable evidence for self-employment includes documents from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), banks, accountants, solicitors, trade, or client references as appropriate.

How to account career breaks in BS7858 screening?

Career brakes for periods where an individual has not been in employment and not registered as unemployed as voluntary career break, stay-at-home parent, unpaid family carer. The screening administrator should establish the reason for the break and request documentary evidence to support the explanation. Acceptable evidence should be relevant to the situation and will differ on case-by-case basis.

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