5 Common misconceptions on Employee Vetting checks

5 Common misconceptions on Employee Vetting checks

5 Common misconceptions on Employee Vetting checks

Employee vetting checks are one of the very first steps carried out during the recruitment process. Without knowing what goes into every check done, people are often confused about what information is given about them.

Here are a few common misconceptions that people may have regarding Uk pre employment screening.

Criminal records prevent you from being hired

Many people think that every job will carry out a criminal record check when that is not the case for most jobs. A few industries automatically rule out anyone who has a record for the safety of the public. However, most pre-employment checks do not look at the candidates' criminal history. In a basic DBS check, they only look at any unspent convictions that they may have. For the job to look at the criminal history, they would have to do a more advanced check such as an enhanced DBS check.

Social media profile checks are not included

People have the idea that their social media accounts are excluded when employers screen them. Social media is public information that can show the characteristics the candidates may have. This can help to rule out who would not fit within the work environment, and if they think the candidate is showing any peculiar activity, they can use it against them when they deny their application.

Having a Bad Credit Score mean a candidate is unfit

Credit scores show how well you handle your money. They are not a requirement for recruitment unless you work in the finance sector. Working in finance requires you to work with money to run a credit check to see if you are deemed trustworthy. If your credit is a bad score, they will turn you away because it shows that you cannot be trusted with money if you cannot handle your own.

All the information you need for background checks is Online

Although a lot of data is easily accessible and put out for public use, not all our data is out there. There is a limit to what can be put out with no reason to protect the safety of civilians. A simple search can only do so much like accessing a marriage certificate for the person you are researching. To get what you are looking for, you will have to pay for formal checks to be done and the data you are asking for will be released with discretion. You can apply for them or use an employee vetting service to see which one you will have to use for the position that is being filled.

Pre employment screening candidates is for larger companies, SMEs do not need Background Checks

SME's (small and medium enterprises) may be under the influence that they do not have to carry out background checks on their employees. Because they are small, they may think that not checking will not put their small team of staff in any endangerment. However, this is still very important for them to carry out because it will help to protect the business from hiring the wrong person.


To sum everything up, these are only a few of many confusions' employees have about pre-employment screens. Several types do look into different sectors depending on the role that has been applied for. You will have to look at the one you will potentially carry out or have done on you to get an accuracy on the information being looked at. To look at several types of uk pre employment screening in more depth, you can go to Complygate to look at our Compliance Centre.

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