4 Tips to Take your Online Employee Onboarding to the next level

4 Tips to Take your Online Employee Onboarding to the next level

4 Tips to Take your Online Employee Onboarding to the next level

An employee onboarding process is formally incorporating new employees into an organization. Greeting and involving them in the company’s culture and introducing them to the tools and teams with whom they will be working.

Onboarding has lots of benefits which cannot be overlooked in the current situation and even after the pandemic of coronavirus. Companies engaging onboarding programs can hold to their employees. New hiring with well-structured onboarding program more likely benefits the company. It also helps to sustain the interest of employee.

Consciously planning onboarding steps, companies give new employee the information, relationships, and tools they need, to be comfortable, confident and productive enough to work in the new environment.

Employees onboarding process requires major steps for its success. Onboarding should be well documented and verified. Without meeting person personally, it can be challenging to hire any strange employee to be the part of the current team.

Here are some of the important tips which we can implement for the personalized and engaging virtual onboarding experience and its success.

1. Pre-onboarding Arrangements

Preboarding is the kind of all the initiatives taken before onboarding of an employee. All the formalities and interactions with the new employee from the time they accept the offer letter to the time they start their big day (first day of job) is part of preboarding. These engagement of employees by the company is vital for the job satisfaction as well as company commitments.

Communicating frequently with the employee one-on-one is quite significant in terms of avoiding nervousness, unreliability and doubts.

Completion of administrative task like documentation, forms etc., during preboarding. This practice will ease the employee's hassles when they start the job.

Making the new hire comfortable with the team and co-employees with whom they are going to work. This will help them to build connection and become friendly with new working culture of the company.

Explain them their role in the company and assign task on weekly basis. This will make them proactive for the day.

2. Making Employee the Centre of Attention

Before covid-19 hiring was done only focusing on the company. Employees were introduced to the company by sharing its history, its values and introducing their executives in traditional way of hiring. But onboarding hiring is quite different from traditional hiring system, where focus is more on personal efficiency and capability which will contribute to the company’s upliftment. This type of hiring help company to retain their efficient employee tension free.

3. Providing Mentor

As we all know for the better outcome monitoring employee is important. For the successful onboarding organization should assign mentors for these new hirings. When new hires are assigned mentors, they feel comfortable and start first step towards making relation, it helps them to solve their queries and to update and report about the daily task.

These mentoring can be done by technology which will be more fruitful then mentoring personally. This technology-based mentoring will be quick and easy in communication. Mentoring by software's, video calls or chats, various online and digital tools, make it more effective, cost saver and pliable.

4. Contemporary Ideas For Online Onboarding

Upcoming with new ideas and methods related to onboarding can make it more successful and interesting. Introductory webinar, microlearning training, virtual workplace and onboarding social media groups are some of the famous ways to be creative with onboarding.

Mobile-friendly onboarding is one of the exciting and creative in terms of onboarding. Today everyone wants all the information's on their fingertips, having training available on our mobile is not only creative but also makes onboarding easier for both employee and employer. Technology and its tools can make work of onboarding easier like, managing documents, to provide appropriate content for the role, to create the deadline of the task, and informative learning.


Onboardingsuccess includes the success of new employee. Onboarding is the initiative for welcoming, provide training, comforting the new online hiring.

By implementing these ideas, we can take onboarding to next level of success. We can always make our new employee comfortable in the new environment of work where they are free to work productively for the organization.

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